Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Mommy Meme

Hi everyone! I was visiting Daisys Blog earlier today, and I was shocked to find that her Mommy had done a post about herself. The post, I guess, is what da humans call a Meme. I not no what dats all about, but I do know dat when my mom saw it she about ript the laptop out of my paws saying, "Let me do it! Please, Henry?"
My mom is not one to say please very often, so how could I refuse her? Oh, but I didz give her one condition; I getz to tell you about her.

The rules go like dis:
(1) post 7 facts about yourself AND photos,

(2) post 10 facts about yourself with no photos,
(3) post a childhood picture of yourself.

After I expose her dark secrets to the world I'z gonna pick 5 other critters on twitter, who also blog. So don't go away!


When I first made mom show where to find the old photos, I stumbled upon this one and was surprised to learn that she used to be smaller than me. You would never guess that by looking at her now. I wish I knew her back then, those fingers look purrdy nommy. hehe


Mom was a world famous tap dancer. Okay, not really, but she did know how to put her foot down. Mom is the little girl on your far right.


My momz not afraid to shot. MOL My poor uncle Steve was no match for my mom and her six shooter! I am happy to report that he made a full recovery.


Here you can see that my mother turned nine once. Hehe Actually this picture tells a couple stories:
  • She always had a soft spot for cats. She said dat when she was little she had over 4oo cats in her room. Not real ones, but posters, figures, stuffed animals and such. Yikes!
  • Another thing I noticed is that goofy look on her face! I wonder if dats where I learned to make my funny faces?
*Disclaimer: Mom wanted me to point out dat it wasn't always about cats when she was a little girl, and that when when she was older she fell "in love" with a Rock Star, just like teenage girls are supposed too. MOL


Here she is at one of her favorite places. Mom loved living in South Dakota and says that 'someday' she is going to load us both up in her car, and move back. I can't wait!


The sixth photo is of my mother a few years ago. My mom loves the outdoors and used to walk 4 miles every day and go hiking almost every weekend.


My mom enjoys genealogy and would love to have a conversation with the gentleman shown below. He was her Great-Great Grandfather, Olaf Nord.


As you can tell, I wasn't able to to get too much dirt about my mom. I know it's out there though...

Okay, as I mentioned before, I was going to list a few critters I would like to see feature there moms/dads/humans/staff/'rents on their blogs. If your not on this list, but want to try it, feel free to do so as well.

I choose: BrewskieButt, LouPeb, BabyPatches, Loki, & the WineCountryDog. Of course, dey don't havez to do it, but I they are such pawesome anipals that I would luvs to learn more about there loyalist fans. (Oh, and you can tweak it a bit if you wantz. If you follow da chain back a few links, you see everybody has kind of made dis der own.)

Thanks for stopping by!

Henry aka Quadpawd

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Man-Cat of the Week

Well, as you know, we have our Queen. But, I ask you, is the week complete without a Man-Cat of the Week? I say no! Therefore, after searching high and low, I have found HE who represents ALL Man-Cats. Who could fill such a role? Why, MrScrubby, of course!



What does being a man-cat mean to you?

I learned that it takes mad skills to be a scrubilicious man-cat. You gotta have strong purrs, big jumps, and a loud flop on newspapers (or other piles of important work) when you want some rubbins. I also believe that being a man cat takes rhythm and good groove. I like to get down to Motown tunes, 70s punk, and 80s new wave. There's nothing better than watching birds out of the window while listening to Smokey Robinson, The Pretenders, or The Smiths. That's how I roll.


How does it affect your roll in the family?

As the man-cat, I try to be humble but it's so hard. Everyone wants a piece of me. I have three sisters and a brother, and I can only be handsome and gregarious for so long without getting a little cranky.

When I need a break from my family, I climb into the basement rafters and take a snooze. Sometimes I sleep under the covers. I just need a break from the limelight. Here's a video where I was interviewed by a local journalist.



Whoa, soundz like I still have lotz to learn about being a Man-Cat. I hope I can gain his self confidence and modestly. MOL

Seriously though folkz, I think Scrubby is a cat that knowz where it’z at, and I find him to be a great role model and Man-Cat. I strongly encourage you to stop by his pawesome blog and learnz more about this fine feline!

Thanks Scrubby, I am soo happy you was able to share some of your story wif CWT today. You DA CAT!

And, as always, thank YOU for stopping by!

Henry aka Quadpawd

Queen of the Week

Today is a great day! It’s time to announce the next Queen of the Week! I is very thrilled this week to be able to share wif you one kitty whom I’ve always seen as a Queen. She’s smart, funny, demanding, isn’t afraid to call a spade a spade. Oh, and she’z a famous author too.

Yes, my friends, this week’s Queen is none other than SparkleCat!


I turned 7 on June 24th. It was an exciting birthday for me - my cat-to-cat advice book came out on Amazon that day!

Plus I got Da Bird and a kitty pirate ship. So it was pretty much the awesomest birthday ever.

What does being a Queen feline mean to you?

Not the same thing it does to some Somali cats! I am purebred, and in the world I come from, a Queen is a female kitty who has kittens. My mother (Tina Turner of Tajhara) was a Queen (obviously, because she had me!), which I guess already makes me a Princess! But shortly after my human brought me home, she sent me to the vets and had me spayed. I am glad to know that you don't need to have kittens to be Queen.

When I came to live here, I discovered that it wasn't even necessary to be a purebred cat to be a Queen. In fact, one of the other cats here, Binga, is a pound rescue and she thinks she is Queen too! Sometimes we have arguments over who is the Queen Queen. Sad to say, in all the years I've been here, there has been no clear-cut winner.

Honestly, I think all cats (the girls, at least) are Queens and even if we don't wear physical crowns, we should always behave as if we had one perched on our regal heads. You won't get respect unless you expect it, after all.

How does it affect your role with your subjects?

Unfortunately, my main subject - my human - is one of those types who "questions authority," so she is a handful. Fortunately, because I'm a successful author (I have just been signed to Adams Media for a sequel to my advice book), she knows she has to follow my lead more often than not. In fact, I can get her to follow me all around the house with just a look! Actually, I guess my human is pretty much my only subject. Her boyfriend is ruled by the dog. But come to think of it, the dog is kind of scared of me, even though she's 10 times bigger than me. So does she count as a subject?


I don’t know about the rest of you all, but I am thinking that the dog is definitely one of her subjects. Hehe! Go Sparkle!

Now Sparkle didn’t mention it, but on top of being an author and twitter addict, she also has a couple really cool blogs. You can find her home page here, where she offers links to her advice column and diary. She also has another great blog for Upside Down Kitties here. Several twitter kitties have been featured on her Upside Down Kitty blog, so you might just want to send her a couple belly shots while your visiting.

Thank you Sparkle for taking the time to answer my questions. You’re a Star!

And, of course, thank you to the rest of you for stopping by!

Henry aka Quadpawd

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Queen of the Week

I can has a Queen of the Week? Oh, yes I can, and so canz you! I searched high and low for a fitting Queen, and I foundz one, in Liverpool. Now, I’z been told some consider this fine lady as a bit of a scaredy cat, but I noz believe it. She’s been made many friends and is very active in the twitter critter community. She will make a fine Queen, I am sure of it!

Who is this mysterious lady you ask? Well, the newest Queen of the Week is none other than my friend Rosie aka MedusaJ


My age is 10 yrs and I am a down to earth moggie who happens to be a Queen.

What does being a Queen feline mean to you?

Being a Queen feline means that not only do I know that I am a special cat but everyone else will know it and treat me with the respect a Queen deserves. I realise with this status comes huge responsibility so I will allow my subjects to give me cuddles and ear scratches. I will treat them with kindness but make no mistake if they make me angry the punishment will be a swift and painful swipe! I never stay angry for long and will alway play with my subjects, give them nosetaps and always love them.

How does it affect your roll with your subjects?

My subjects (Mum, the Dad & Minidude) know me by the name of Rosie and already serve me and their lives revolve around me but it will remind them just how special I am.


Goodness me, it sounds like Rosie already has her dynasty under her paw! She’ll be a natural at it I am sure. If you haven’t already met Rosie you should hop back on twitter and follow this purrty lady. I know I count myself lucky to have her as one of my friends herez on twitter.

Thank you so much Rosie, for taking the time to answer my questions and agreeing to be Queen.

Thank you for stopping by!

Henry aka Quadpawd

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