Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Man-Cat of the Week

Well, as you know, we have our Queen. But, I ask you, is the week complete without a Man-Cat of the Week? I say no! Therefore, after searching high and low, I have found HE who represents ALL Man-Cats. Who could fill such a role? Why, MrScrubby, of course!



What does being a man-cat mean to you?

I learned that it takes mad skills to be a scrubilicious man-cat. You gotta have strong purrs, big jumps, and a loud flop on newspapers (or other piles of important work) when you want some rubbins. I also believe that being a man cat takes rhythm and good groove. I like to get down to Motown tunes, 70s punk, and 80s new wave. There's nothing better than watching birds out of the window while listening to Smokey Robinson, The Pretenders, or The Smiths. That's how I roll.


How does it affect your roll in the family?

As the man-cat, I try to be humble but it's so hard. Everyone wants a piece of me. I have three sisters and a brother, and I can only be handsome and gregarious for so long without getting a little cranky.

When I need a break from my family, I climb into the basement rafters and take a snooze. Sometimes I sleep under the covers. I just need a break from the limelight. Here's a video where I was interviewed by a local journalist.



Whoa, soundz like I still have lotz to learn about being a Man-Cat. I hope I can gain his self confidence and modestly. MOL

Seriously though folkz, I think Scrubby is a cat that knowz where it’z at, and I find him to be a great role model and Man-Cat. I strongly encourage you to stop by his pawesome blog and learnz more about this fine feline!

Thanks Scrubby, I am soo happy you was able to share some of your story wif CWT today. You DA CAT!

And, as always, thank YOU for stopping by!

Henry aka Quadpawd

5 Comentários:

Unknown said...

Dude!!! It's my TWIN! Scrubs, yer the most scrubilicious man-cat around!!!

The Brew (via BZTAT)

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

You're pawsome Scrubs!
Sanjee @HotMBC

Anonymous said...

Thanks to everyone, yo. I am pretty sure this honor will go to my head and make me feel entitled to more tunas.

Yup. It's happening. Right about now.

Daisy said...

Mr. Scrubby is one cool Mancat!

Elizabeth said...

You are very cute indeed. I love a well groomed mancat.


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