Man-Cat Of The Week
Does everybody know what time it is? Nooooooo. Silly human readers, it’s not Tool Time. However, it is time to announce the Man-Cat Of The Week. I is sooo excited again dis week! I gets to share with all of you another one of OscarTheCat’s heroes (as well as mine.) This weeks kitty is one of the first that my late brother Oscar followed on twitter, and over time those two became pretty good buds…
May I present…..LOKI aka OrangeCatBlues
I a little older than wat I weigh. Dat good, rite?
What does being a man-cat mean to you?
I think iz important fur man-cats to be good community role models. They say nice guyz finish last, but in mai experience I gets bettur rewards being nice. Like this one time, I gots inna http://www.
Iz also important to help out around the home. Like, mai sistur, Luna, she getting too old to teach little onez, so I takes uver training Laz our zombie cat when she moved in.
(I not sure I iz that good at that, cuz she still has a case uv the bitey, but being a big brofur iz on the job training. I sure she turns out OK.)
Also, I think it's important to pass on wat we learned to the othur kittehs. Maybe it keeps them frum making mistakes, maybe not, but at leest they has the benefit uv your Xperience. Iz wai I started making videos like this one:
Being a man-cat iz not that diffrent frum being a queen cat these dayz.
How does it affect your roll in the family?
Iz mai responsibility to makes sure mai primates iz happee and healthy. Fur example, I insist on tasting there foods fur them. I no eets much uv there vegetables cuz they need moar uv them than I do, but I do insist dere's nothing wrong wif da chickawn oar tuna oar milks.
Iz important to stay active and put as much energies as possible into spreading good cheer. When I izn't napping. I think I'z good at that, cuz mai primate makes me into a cartoon inna book that helps out mai sheltur, and nao she iz wurking full-time on Etsy making kitty pendants. Also, I has a blog nao on mai own website, http://orangecatblues.
Also, is important to know when hoomanz izn't feeling well. Sumtimes they need yoo to loaf on their tummy so they has an excuse to use the snooze alarm. Sometimes they need an extra headbutt or to watch yoo play wif a Q-tip oar doo something else funny so they laughs a little and passes their happiness on to other hoomans latur. I likes to play a little and tell jokes:
BEEP, BEEP, BEEP… Hearz dat? That’s the certified Man-Cat alarm going off. Isn't Loki pawesome?! It’s no wonder he’s such a popular cat. I just don’t know how he manages to do all he does.
I has to tell you though… One thing that bothers me about this fine kitty is that the pattern for his shirts is available through his website. What’z wrong wif dat? Well… My silly mom keeps sayin she’s going to make me one of dos shirts one day. Oh, how I hopez she forgets!
I would like to say a special thank you to my pal Loki, cause I really appurreciate him taking the time to share some of his wisdom wif us.
Of course, I haz to thank you (yeah, YOU) for stopping by and getting to know my pal a little better.
Henry aka Quadpawd
High paw Loki! (Loki didn't mention that he also puts the good word out to help foster animals of soldiers deployed over seas, or that his blog and vlog really helps educate humans about pet health and safety issues.) Loki is one great man cat example.
U iz a gr8 role models fur humanz and kittehs!
Dis iz a gr8 man-cat to be sure.
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