Attn All Man-Cats And Queens
Not long ago I introduced some of you to the M-Cat Club. A GREAT organization designed for us feline fellas, were we can kick back and just be men. Well, Henry and I talked it over and decided that being a Man-cat is so important, that each week we are going to feature a Man-Cat of the Week. Of course, the rest of you youngsters (like Henry) who aren’t quite of age, can still participate, only to be young Man-cats in training. We also encourage those of you with websites, to take a closer look at the ORIGINAL Club and consider joining our fine group.
If you would like to be considered for Man-Cat Of The Week, just answer the following questions an email them to me at catswhotwitter at gmail dot com.
1. Age
2. What does being a man-cat mean to you?
3. How does it affect your roll in the family?
You may also send a picture if you would like.
Now, now ladies, don’t fret, we are going to do something for all of you too.
Every Wednesday we will feature a Queen Of The Week. If you would like to be considered for this roll, just answer the following questions and send them to the address above.
1. Age
2. What does being a Queen feline mean to you?
3. How does it affect your roll with your subjects?
Of course photos are welcome from you too.
Man-Cat Of The Week will be Mondays, and Queen Of The Week will be on Wednesdays! We really hope that a lot of you sign up for this, as we think it is a great way for us to get to know more great cats here on twitter.
Thanks for stopping by!
OscarTheCat and Henry
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