Saturday, April 18, 2009

Here Kitty Kitty

So you want to know who the most recent additions are to the Cats Who Twitter List? Are you sure? Okay then, here are the few, the proud, the purrfect, that we just added to your list:

  1. AlfieWhiteReed
  2. AngusTheRascal
  3. Ariel58
  4. BabyTheCat
  5. big_toot
  6. Blennycat
  7. BobbieJack
  8. bonhamthecat
  9. BWKitty
  10. CassyCOOCOO
  11. ChiTheCat
  12. FluffyTheCat
  13. Gandalf_Grayson
  14. JaellyBeans
  15. JackTheKitten
  16. KatieInCharge
  17. LiarnaKittenCat
  18. LunaMyTuna
  19. Meowi_KitKat
  20. Miaosing
  21. MinouBollocks
  22. Patchypatchy
  23. Sage_N_JackCat
  24. shammysuperstar
  25. SkinnyTrinny
  26. SookiCat
  27. tigermania1
  28. TiggerDCat
  29. Tinusthecat
  30. TylerBean
  31. zooooey
31? Zoowie! Anyway, I will be posting a list of all the List "newbies" each Sunday from now on, in efforts to make it all a little simpler for you twitter veterans!

Thanks for stopping by!


By the way if your a CAT and would like to be added to our main list, just follow @catswhotwit on twitter and I will get you added soon!

1 Comentário:

Victor Tabbycat said...

I see mousey! Um, what was da rest of dat? MOUSEY!

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