Here Kitty Kitty Kitty 4/26
My list is a little later than I planned, but here are some new kitties that I'm adding to our main list. Once again, there seems to be a lot of cool cats joining twitter.
- _SweetPea_
- Andythecat
- ArtyTheCat
- AsiftheCat
- Bleu_da_kitteh
- CalebStreetCat
- ChaCha_kyhumane
- Crazy_Felix
- FelineRoyalty
- GraceDaKat
- Hurricanethecat
- Jkjoy
- KruemeltheKat
- LeonardoDaCat
- Macarooncat
- Mahtada
- Minoumeow
- MisterZonker
- NormanBKitty
- Pritty_kitty
- Pumpkinkitty
- RecipeTheCat
- SamsonCatt
- SatsugaiCat
- SnugMuttonchops
- SweetSaraBelle
- ThePortraArtist
- ThePoupounette
- TigglyWiggly
- TippyKitty
- Tucker_Cat
- Tuithecat
- Wrightrs
- Zippurrr
I am amazed by the sheer number of cats who twitter. Wow!
I take care my human with #LUPUS
So many tweeters! We have to get our mum to help us get back onto Twitter, we are so far behind.
oh hai!! it is great to know so many cats do tweet!! I is Goma and I is tweet too!! can you add me to the lists also?? puleese?
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