Sunday, April 26, 2009

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty 4/26

My list is a little later than I planned, but here are some new kitties that I'm adding to our main list. Once again, there seems to be a lot of cool cats joining twitter.

  1. _SweetPea_
  2. Andythecat
  3. ArtyTheCat
  4. AsiftheCat
  5. Bleu_da_kitteh
  6. CalebStreetCat
  7. ChaCha_kyhumane
  8. Crazy_Felix
  9. FelineRoyalty
  10. GraceDaKat
  11. Hurricanethecat
  12. Jkjoy
  13. KruemeltheKat
  14. LeonardoDaCat
  15. Macarooncat
  16. Mahtada
  17. Minoumeow
  18. MisterZonker
  19. NormanBKitty
  20. Pritty_kitty
  21. Pumpkinkitty
  22. RecipeTheCat
  23. SamsonCatt
  24. SatsugaiCat
  25. SnugMuttonchops
  26. SweetSaraBelle
  28. ThePortraArtist
  29. ThePoupounette
  30. TigglyWiggly
  31. TippyKitty
  32. Tucker_Cat
  33. Tuithecat
  34. Wrightrs
  35. Zippurrr

Thanks for stopping by!


4 Comentários:

pussreboots said...

I am amazed by the sheer number of cats who twitter. Wow!

wrightrs said...

I take care my human with #LUPUS

Forever Foster said...

So many tweeters! We have to get our mum to help us get back onto Twitter, we are so far behind.

Unknown said...

oh hai!! it is great to know so many cats do tweet!! I is Goma and I is tweet too!! can you add me to the lists also?? puleese?

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